First Journal Impact Factor for GI
17 June 2016
We are very pleased to announce that Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI) has received its first Impact Factor of 1.071 from Thomson Reuters for 2015. It is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to articles published. The Impact Factor 2015 is calculated by dividing the number of current year citations (from articles of 2015) to the articles published in a journal during the previous two years (articles published in that journal in 2014 and 2013).
We hope that this exciting news encourages even more engineers and scientists to submit their work on geoscientific instrumentation in the atmospheric and geospace sciences, earth science, and ocean science to GI – thereby benefiting from article level metrics, fast publishing times, and open access to all articles.
We would like to thank all contributing authors, reviewers, the editorial board, and Copernicus Publications for making the journal such a success in a short period of time.
GI executive editors
Jothiram (Vivek) Vivekanandan, Ari-Matti Harri, and Håkan Svedhem